2018 | Professor of Sustainable Urbanism in the Global South and Academic Programme Director at the Masters Programme on Urban Ecological Planning, NTNU Trondheim (Norway) |
2017 | Senior Expert and Consultant on Urban Planning and Design, UN-Habitat, Nairobi |
2016 | Senior Researcher, Department for Urban Regeneration and Urban Theory, University Kassel |
2015 | Participatory Design of Parks and Public Spaces using the Block-by-block approach: Model Project of the Endstreet Park North in the Inner City in Johannesburg; Public Space and Safety Expert |
2015 | Interim Chair for Design and Urbanism at TU-Darmstadt |
2014 | Support to the "Urban Policy and Integrated Urban Development Framework" Dialogue between South Africa and the European Union. Team Leader, Urban development, planning and policy expert on behalf of the European Commission and the South African Department for Collaborative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) |
2013 | External Member of Expert Panel for the South African Integrated Urban Development Framework (IUDF) on behalf of the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) |
2013 | Associate Professor for International Cooperation and Urban Development at TU-Darmstadt | 2013 | Consultant, Aachen, Cape Town, Pietermaritzburg: Independent evaluations of four South African NGO’s in the low-income housing sector, for Misereor/ KZE | 2013 | Expert, Karlsruhe, Pretoria: Research module on urban safety as part of the Integrated Urban Development Framework (IUDF), for GIZ VCP and the Ministry of Collaborative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA), Pretoria, South Africa |
2012 | Consultant, Aachen, Cape Town, Johannesburg: Independent evaluation of two South African NGO’s in the low-income housing sector, for Misereor/ KZE |
2011-2013 | Professor for International Urbanism, Master Programme Urban Agglomerations, University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main |
2011+ | Regular guest lecturer on “Urban Safety” and “Project Design”, Mundus Urbano, TU Darmstadt |
2010-2012 | Consultant, Nairobi, Darmstadt: Feasibility study for an International Urban Research Network, for UN-Habitat, Capacity Building Branch (with Prof. em. Dr. K. Mathey) |
2010-2012 | Consultant and resource person on urban planning and research, Nairobi, Karlsruhe: Global Network for Safer Cities and Urban Safety Monitor, UN-Habitat Safer Cities |
2009-2012 | Senior researcher, “Urban violence in Sub-Saharan Africa”, Department of Planning and Building Overseas TU Darmstadt (since 03.2012 at INA/GLOBUS/ HU Berlin) |
2000-2009 | Researcher, Lecturer, Head of the Laboratory for Planning in a Global Context”, (GLORA), Institute for Urban Planning and Design, Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie (KIT), Prof. Alex Wall |
2006 | Consultant and team leader, GTZ Eschborn, Study on Lessons of Post-Tsunami Housing Reconstruction in Sri Lanka and Indonesia |
1997-00 | Project Architect, Researcher, Herzog+Partner Architects, Engineers and Planners, Munich, Germany |
1995 | Assistant Researcher. GIS Specialist, Urban Technical Assistance Project Columbia University, New York, USA |
1992-93 | Project Assistant, Foundation Bauhaus Dessau, Germany |