Conference Papers, Lectures, Workshops
2017 | Sustainable New Town Development: National Urban Policy for Implementation of the New Urban Agenda, Second International Conference on National Urban Policy, 15-18 May 2017, OECD Headquarters,Paris. |
2017 | First technical meeting on Human Settlements Indicators for the SDGs in Naivasha Kenya, February 13th-17th 2017. |
2016 | Achieving Sustainable New Town Development in developing countries The United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development. Panel member and discussant. 17 - 20 October 2016, Quito - Ecuador. |
2016 | “The New Urban Agenda in the Global South: Engaging Research in Policy Making”, The United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development. Panel member and discussant. 17 - 20 October 2016, Quito - Ecuador. |
2016 | Trainer on National Urban Policies – Implementation challenges and strategies. The United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development. 17 - 20 October 2016, Quito - Ecuador |
2016 | Trends and Typologies of Contemporary Urban Development in the Context of Climate Change. Key Note lecture at the IGCS Conference in Chennai, 05.02.2016 |
2016 | Learning from planning experiences in European cities – From planning paradigms to sustainable neighbourhoods, Key-Note lecture, Saudi Urban Forum “Modern Trends in Urban Planning”, Riyadh, March 29-31 2016. (On behalf of UN-Habitat). |
2015 | Stockholm (Sweden): “Economy, Legislation and Planning – Exploring three prongs for successful public spaces and city prosperity through the example of park redevelopment form Johannesburg”. Accepted presen- tation and publication. With Celilia Andersson, Jose Chong, Ayanda Roji. Future of Places Conference June 29th-July 1st 2015 |
2015 | Self-Organisation and Urban Sustainability, Lecture at the Munich Science-days, 17.11.2015, | 2013 | "Approaches to improve state policies of housing und settlement upgrading in SA", Key note lecture at the Dialogue on Social Apartheid in South African Cities, Goedgedacht Farm, Malmesbury, South Africa, 23 October 2013 |
2013 | "Towards an integrated strategy on urban safety in public open spaces for Johannesburg", Key note lecture, City of Johannesburg Urban Dialogues, Department of Parks and Zoo (JCDZ), Educational Centre of the Botanical Garden, 21 October 2013, 5:30 pm. |
2013 | Amman (Jordan): Planning Without Borders – Notes on European Regional Spatial Strategies and Experiences – Highlighting Options for a GCC Regional Vision, Key note speaker and lead expert on behalf of UN-Habitat and the Gulf Cooperation Council, Regional Workshop for Municipal High-Level Officials: Challenges and Priorities for Regional Urban Development in GCC,28-30 May 2013, Amman |
2013 | Marseille (France): Cities in the MENA region in a global context, Invited Expert by GIZ and the World Bank, at Recontre Valmer: Good Governance and Local Empowerment, 4-5 April 2013, Centre for Meditteranean Integration (CMI) |
2013 | Los Angeles (USA): Private cities and emerging urbanisms. Three case studies from Jakarta, Mumbai, and São Paulo, April 9 2013(fc), Presenter at the session: Planetary urbanization in comparative perspective 2, Chair Prof. Christian Schmid, Annual Meeting American Association of Geographers (AAG) |
2012 | St Denis, La Plaine (France): Spatial crime prevention indicators - potentials and limitations, UN-Habitat Expert working group on an Urban Safety Monitor, 10-11 December 2012, St Denis, La Plaine, France |
2012 | Roorkee (India): Principles for resilient and sustainable neighbourhoods and Landscapes of surprise, two guest lectures at the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, 02.11.2012 |
2012 | New Delhi (India): Landscape of Surprise: From emerging urbanisms to emerging Practices, Host and organised of interdisciplinary workshop, India Habitat Centre, 27 October 2012, with Prof. S. Kohte |
2012 | Hyderabad (India): Landscape of Surprise and Post Oil Cities, Session at interdisciplinary workshop, Vidyaranya High School, 12 August 2012 (, with Prof. S. Kohte |
2012 | Beirut (Lebanon): Decoding Private Urbanism and Sustainability – Lessons from NeoTowns; Lecture at City Debates Beirut: 3-4 May 2012, Reconceptualising Boundaries – Urban Design in the Arab World, American University Beirut, Lebanon. |
2012 | Naples (Italy): Moderator of Plenary session 3, Practitioners Roundtable on Innovative Tools on Safer Cities, International Forum on Safer Cities, UN-Habitat Safer Cities Programme, 6th World Urban Forum, September 5th 2012, Naples, Italy. |
2012 | Naples (Italy): Feasibility study of a new urban research network for UN Habitat; Key-presentation at the Researchers Roundtable at the 6th World Urban Forum, September 5th 2012, Naples, Italy |
2012 | Cape Town (South Africa): Critique on network governance and administration of the GNSC, Towards a Global Network on Safer Cities, 23 February 2012, Invited research consultant |
2011 | Frankfurt am Main (Germany): Peterek, Michael; Gotsch, Peter 2012 (fc): Urban Sphere and Quality of Life in Emerging Cities; Key-Note at the annual workshop of the Trialog Association, Frankfurt - University of Applied Sciences; 18 November 2011; to be published in Trialog 109 - Research journal on planning and building in developing countries; Frankfurt a.M. |
2011 | Kuwait-City (Kuwait): Toward a framework to foster international cooperation for better access to public safety service in Africa and Arab States, International Workshop, UN Regional Office Kuwait, Government of Kuwait, Arab Towns Organisation, Kuwait, 25 - 28 April 2011, Invited expert on urban planning and safety |
2011 | Hyderabad (India): An ideal sector: Guest lecture and discussion, Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University, 06 November 2011, Hyderabad |
2011 | New Delhi: Peripheries as key sites of contemporary urbanisation, Guest lecture at the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS), 31 August 2011, New Delhi |
2011 | Nairobi (Kenya): Partners consultative meeting on the Global Network on Safer Cities, UN Offices at Nairobi, Kenya, 8 - 11 April 2011, Invited research expert |
2010 | Zürich (Switzerland): Presentation: NeoTowns. Renaissance of planned cities?, 20th Conference of the International Network for Urban Research and Action (INURA), New Metropolitan Mainstream, 27-30 June 2010. |
2010 | Rio de Janeiro (Brazil): Lecture on the ‘Urban dimensions of community driven safety strategies in Sub-Saharan Africa’ at the German Pavilion, 5th World Urban Forum, March 23-25th 2010 |
2008 | Nanjing (China): Invited expert to the ‚roundtable on research‘ at UN-Habitat‘s 4th World Urban Forum, 04-07 November 2008, China. |
2008 | Nanjing (China): Organiser of the seminar/event: Linking research and policy towards sustainability, on behalf of the Network-Association of European Researchers on Urbanization in the South (N-AERUS), at UN-Habitat‘s 4th World Urban Forum, 04-07 November 2008, China. |
2008 | Macau International Environmental Co-operation Forum and Exhibition (MIECF): Presentation on The relevance of urban quarters in the context of sustainable development strategies, Moderator of the session ‚Eco-city and sustainable transportation, 22-25 April 2008; Macau. |
2008 | Asia-Europe Environment Forum, 5th Roundtable Shenzhen (China): Developing a Collaborative Framework for Research and Sustainable Urban Management between Asia and Europe; Keynote from research, 28 – 30 November 2007. 20087th. European Conference on Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning „Sun and Sense“, Lecture: Die Bedeutung der Stadtquartierebene und Strategien für eine Energie- und klimaeffiziente Entwicklung von Megastädten: Berlin ?March 11.-14th 2008, German Ministry for Transport, Construction and Urban Development, Organiser: Eurosolar e.V., Berlin. |
2007 | Small groups conference Karlsruhe: “Neo-Towns in the South and the unsettled planner architect”, Lecture, 7th December 2007. |
2007 | Fourth conference of the research network on ‚Private urban governance and gated communities‘, University of Sorbonne, Paris: Innovations and challenges of private ‘Neo-urbanism’, June 2007. |
2007 | Technical University Munich, Guest lecture: Strategien beim Wiederaufbau von Wohngebäuden in Indonesien und Sri Lanka, Hosted: by Gender in Architecture and Urban Planning, Spring 2007. |
2007 | Hafen City University Hamburg, Guest lecture; “Zwischen Planung und Selbstorganisation. Stadt- und Infrastrukturentwicklung am Beispiel der Megastadt Mumbai”, [Between planning and self-organisation], series: planning sustainable infrastructure, Host: Prof. Irene Peters. |
2007 | Chandigarh College of Architecture: “Neo-towns: Innovations and challenges of privately driven development in the 21 century”, Guest lecture, Host: Prof. Rajnish Wattas, 2nd August 2007. |
2007 | SPA-JNTU, Hyderabad: “From New Towns to Neo Towns”, Lecture at the School of Planning and Architecture, Host: Prof. Kumar, 30 July 2007, India. |
2006 | Conference ‘Planung in Not’ [Planning emergency]; Technical University, Vienna: “The post-tsunami reconstruction of permanent dwellings – Lessons and experiences”, Lecture, 20 October 2006. |
2006 | Workshop: New towns as a concept for the sustainable development of megacity regions, TU Berlin: “Privately developed new towns in the 21‘st century – lessons from Navi Mumbai”, lecture, 6th October 06. |
2006 | PAR – Technical University Darmstadt (D): “Cities and neo-liberalism: examples from Jakarta’s periphery”, Guest lecture. |
2006 | ‘Stadtsalon’ im Kunstverein Frankfurt a.M.: “Labor Megastadt – am Beispiel der privaten Neustadtplanung Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD) in Jakarta”, Vortrag , 30 Mai, 2006. |
2005 | Architecture and Behaviour Workshop Monte Verita, Ascona (CH), “Can data-banks on post-disaster architectural projects and urban planning be really useful”? Keynote. |
2005 | Conference: Territory, control and enclosure: the ecology of urban fragmentation; Pretoria (ZA): “Saigon South – on the means and typologies of neo-liberal urbanism”; Presentation, Host: CSIR. |
2005 | SPRING, University of Dortmund: “Betwen hard-boiled wonderland and gardencity: new towns in Jakarta‘s periphery”, Guest lecture. |