Peter Gotsch — CV

Publications – selected

2017 Kienast, Gerhard; Gotsch, Peter (eds.): Trialog 127/128: Neighbourhood Development. Trialog: A Journal for Planning and Building in a Global Context. Berlin.
2016 Gotsch, Peter; d’Auria Viviana: Key-issues related to housing and plan- ning – Governance and Regulation, Planning and Design, Finance and Economics, In: N-AERUS recommendations for the New Urban Agenda. The Cities Alliance. Brussels.
2015 Gotsch, Peter 2015 (fc): Urban Camps – Strategies for Refugees in Cities; EuS position papers, Research Group Design and Urbanism, Darmstadt
2015 Gotsch, Peter; Andersson, Cecilia, Chong, José; Roji, Ayanda 2015: Exploring the three prongs of Legislation/ Governance, Planning/ Design, and Finance/ Economy towards safe and prosperous parks and public spaces. Three cases from Johannesburg (South Africa). Paper presented and published at the 3rd Future of Places Conference. June 28th to July 1st 2015. Stockholm.
2015 Gotsch, Peter 2015 (fc): IDEAN – Concepts for Sustainable and Resilient Neighbourhoods; Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (with support of UN-Habitat, Nairobi).
2014 Gotsch, Peter; Katsaura, Obvious, Ugur, Lauren, Kasang Nicholas 2014. An Urban Approach to Safety and Integrated Urban Development in South Africa:Knowledge and Policy Review. [‘IUDF Urban Safety Chapter’. Policy paper fully peer-reviewed by four independent revievers], Pretoria.
2014 Gotsch, Peter 2014 (fc): Social Networks and International Urban Research; Paper presented at the Research Roundtable at the World Urban Forum 6, 2012, Naples, Italy.
2013 Gotsch, Peter (Ed.) 2013: Private Urbanisation– The City as a Zoo. Journal for Planning and Building in a Global Context 4/2011 – 2012. Frankfurt and Berlin.
2013 Gotsch, Peter 2013: Approaches to improve state policies of housing und settlement upgrading in SA, Position paper and key note lecture at the Dialogue on Social Apartheid in South African Cities, Aachen. Misereor
2012 Gotsch, Peter, Kohte, Susanne 2012: Landscape of Surprise. In Arch+ 185, Berlin
2012 Gotsch, Peter, Peterek, Michael 2012: Public Space; Trialog 109 - Research journal on planning and building in developing countries; Frankfurt a.M.
2010 Gotsch, Peter 2010: AlphaVille-Tamboré (Brazil) – A NeoTown Between Planning and Self-Organisation; In: International New Town Institute: “New Towns for the 21st Century: The Planned vs. the Unplanned City“; Amsterdam.
2010 Gotsch, Peter 2010: NeoTowns - Prototypes of corporate Urbanism: Examined on the basis of a new generation of New Towns - by the cases of Bumi Serpong Damai (Jakarta), Navi Mumbai (Mumbai) and Alphaville-Tamboré (São Paulo), Doctoral Dissertation, Karlsruhe.
2008 Gotsch, Peter 2008: Megastädte energie- und klimaeffizient gestalten – eine Agenda für die Stadtforschung am Beispiel Hyderabad, in Trialog - Zeitschrift für das Planen und Bauen in Entwicklungsländern; vol. 98, April 2008, Darmstadt.
2008 Gotsch, Peter 2008: “Die Bedeutung der Stadtquartierebene und Strategien für eine energie- und klimaeffiziente Entwicklung von Megastädten – Dargestellt anhand der indischen Metropole Hyderabad” [The relevance of neighbourhood development strategies for energy and climate efficient development of Megacities]; In: Solarzeitalter IV 2008; Bonn.
2008 Gotsch, Peter; Peterek, Michael (eds.) 2008: Trialog 84, Orte Bauen [Building Places]; Journal for Planning and Building in the Third World; 1/2005; Darmstadt.